Thursday, April 26

To Fight for a Forgotten Book

I surprised myself today.  I said, "Dad, what if I tried to read The Street of Crocodiles on Youtube or something, or finally pursued that idea of getting on the blind association radio channel?  You said before that it's a book that should never have been forgotten, and I think I could do something to make it remembered."

Then I thought, wow.  If I am going to rouse myself to campaign for a forgotten book, shouldn't it be the one book in the whole world that I want everyone to hear?  If I'm going to change the future of one story, shouldn't it be the one that has changed my future?  

If I was going to write and write and write to people, and try to get someone somewhere, if not myself onto the radio to read a book to the world in an attempt to remind the world that it exists, what book should it be?    

What would your book be?

I thought fleetingly The Enchanted Castle, my favourite children's book of all times.  But E. Nesbit hasn't been forgotten.  She has merely been misplaced.  Her books lie dusty in our memories, but The Street of Crocodiles is a book that was not only dusty, it was buried in time.  Jonathan Safran Foer dug it up again, but will Tree of Codes get people to read its inspiration?  I'm not sure that it will.  I was motivated to read it, but how many others will try this.  When it's a book that you can't borrow from the library, how many people will go and buy a copy without knowing anything about it?  

Is this the book that I should fight for?  I feel that something to fight for would be good for me.  I am very aware that I am liable to some furious fizzling and then forgetting about things that seemed obviously and passionately good at one time.  

I'm hoping though, that this book, this book that reminded me that words can make me feel something, smell something, hear something, love something passionately - that language is mightier than I ever imagined - that someone can put words in a certain order that no one ever dreamed of before - that phantasmagorical images can make me laugh with sheer shock at their beauty.  

Isn't that something worth fighting for?

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2012

    Does it help to know it is in print?


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