Thursday, September 20

Tolkien Week and Hobbit Day

It's Tolkien Week this week, and to celebrate, director Peter Jackson has a gift for all Tolkien-lovers.  The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is the film that is killing all Tolkien fans with suspense.  Now there is a brand new HD trailer, showing ever so much more Bilbo Baggins actions than ever.  

Now that you are appeased with all the extra content, I'd like to tell you a little about the concept of Tolkien Week.  Tolkein Week is the calendar week containing September 22 (Hobbit Day).  The idea is mainly for bookstores and libraries to celebrate the works of J.R.R. Tolkien during the week, sometimes through the endorsement of his literature as well as Lord of the Rings movie marathons.  

Hobbit Day on the 22nd of September, is possibly the oldest celebration of the Tolkien fandom, giving fans of the books and films an official opportunity to flaunt their love for Lord of the Rings.  The date of Hobbit Day was specifically chosen to coincide with the Bilbo and Frodo's shared birthday.  I think this is just such a sweet and simple way to pay homage to the greatness of Tolkien.  Perhaps I'll have to do some reading - or watching - to celebrate.  

So there you go.  Happy Tolkein Week!

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